
To fulfill the vision and Mission of DVS the library was established in 1966 with an initial collection of 472 books and now it has enriched with more than 44726 books along with 21988 unique titles. In the midst of its excellent academic setup, the library acts as a nerve center catering the needs of the students and faculty members of all the disciplines of the college.

​The library has been shaped as a centre of excellence for academic pursuits, to keep in pace with the challenges of higher education. The library is completely automated with the open source Koha Library Management software. It facilitates the staff to perform all it’s routine works like cataloguing, circulation, serial control, report generating, patron registration. Circulation of book is done through barcoded ID cards and barcoded books.  Presently Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) enables users to search the books and give purchase suggestion through online mode. The library collections are classified according to the Dewey decimal classification and the catalogue search service is done through the computerized OPAC interface. To broaden and enrich the current and relevant knowledge of all stake holders, our library is providing more than 30 international, national and regional journals in science, arts and commerce related fields. The library has 05 different levels of trained and dedicated staff  to extend all services to students and staff.

In Addition, Library provide services such as reference, book lending, news paper clippings Reservation of books, display of new books and journals, reprographic (photocopying) facility, internet browsing and INFLIBNET N-LIST programme. The staff and students are allotted separate ID and passwords for the use of INFLIBNET facility which ensures 24 hour accessibility. Library functions from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on all working days.

​Library has a reference section, reading hall and news paper section to facilitate around 100 users to gain the knowledge simultaneously. Currently, the college library has a separate general reading room with seating capacity of 60 readers for light discussion, which has arrivals  like daily news papers and  magazines.

The library also has the reference section with 40 seating capacity within the library premises for reference of the latest arrivals across all the disciplines. Old question papers are filed for the purpose of student’s review. Entire library is under the CC camera surveillance for the effective monitoring of users.

List of Journals subscribed by our Library